CMX Partnerships director was invited by APEC SOM Chair to present research during the Second Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM2) held Chile
CMX Partnerships director was invited by APEC SOM Chair to present research during the Second Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM2) held Chile

Viña del Mar, May 2019. Mr. Juan Navarro, director and principal researcher in our company, was honoured to present his most recent research on trade policy during the Second Senior Officials Meeting (SOM2) of APEC held in Chile. In this meeting, Navarro presented his research completed for the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) to the senior officials of the 21 Asia Pacific economies that are members of APEC. The research conducted by Navarro is titled “FTAAP: Next Generation Trade and Investments Issues, a business perspective” and it includes a comparative analysis among three pathways of the eventual Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific by its acronym FTAAP, namely the CPTPP, RCEP and Pacific Alliance, taking up issues of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), E-commerce, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), Transparency, Competition and Cross-Border Trade in Service. Read the full research here.

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