CMX Partnerships Director presented research on investments and supply chains resilience to Business leaders from the Asia Pacific
CMX Partnerships Director presented research on investments and supply chains resilience to Business leaders from the Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific, March 30, 2021. Mr. Juan Navarro, CMX Partnerships Director, presented today his most recent analytic report on investment policy and resilience on Global Value Chains (GVCs) to Business leaders and members from the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) during the meeting of the Regional Economic Integration Working Group (REIWG).Navarro made an exhaustive analysis on investment provisions of the CPTPP, the RCEP and the CAI agreements and provided seven strategic recommendations. He pointed out that in order to achieve GVCs resilience and promote economic recovery in a post-Covid-19 stage , facilitation on Foreign Direct Investment is essential. Navarro’s report now will be analyzed during the ABAC 2 Plenary Meeting that will be held on May 11th.

Pictured is Mr. Ho Meng Kit, REIWG Chair from ABAC Singapore, Mr. Motomu Takahashi REIWG Co-Chair from ABAC Japan and Mr. Stephen Jacobi from ABAC New Zealand (Host economy for 2021).

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